I look up to you…

In my life, I’ve come to learn not to live up to expectations of having a role model or someone I look up to… 

It’s a sad truth, but I always get disappointed and I guess my heart and head’s been doing this thing where it just doesn’t want to look to someone for strength anymore. Basic survival? Was I being subconsciously smart?

Through all these disappointments, I’ve had myself to rely on. At times, I also disappointed myself, but I had enough understanding to know I’m just stumbling and learning the lay of the land.

With this realisation, I also became a bit more understanding of humanity. My trust was built up a bit more, but I promised myself that I wouldn’t look up to just anyone again.

And today, I do look up to someone again – with utmost praise, love, adoration and understanding.

She’s been in my life for about 4 years now, but it really feels like a life time of memories and inspiration I have come to share with her.

I’ve had a lot of firsts with her and a lot of heart to hearts, tears and laughs. And if you were to ask me now, what I’d never want to lose, it would be these memories.

To say that she’s changed my life, would be a great injustice and a major understatement. She’s not changed my life, but to simply put it, enriched it.

There’s this old proverb that speaks of God sending people over your path in life for a reason. I believe He send her over my path for a reason and ’cause he knew I would need a friend like her. (Now no one can never say he doesn’t look out for us! Myth Busted!)

I’ve been through a lot of tough times in my life. Loads of crap and loads of struggles where I literally had to drag myself along. Somehow I’ve always made it through.

But whenever I have a problem these days, I look up to my friend. I use her as my inspiration to make it through troubles.


You’ll never probably get to know what you’ve meant to me in my life, cause words alone can’t express it. Words alone is too weak to express the gratitude, love and pride I feel for you.

You’ve overcome a lot in your life and today you stand tall. You’re a force to be reckoned with and a force that’s unstoppable.  And most important of all, you’re a light that shines and lights the way for others.

I can only hope to be more like you one day. Have more compassion and adoration for life like you do. Love music, books and TV shows like you do. Interact with people the way you do. And love the way you do…

You’re always there for everybody no matter what. Even if you just have a second to give to someone, you do. And you never expect anything in return – a lesson most people in life seem to miss.

I’ve encountered a lot of strong people in my life, but when I look at how strong and silent you are, I’m in awe once again.

Thank you for having made this impact in my life. You will never know how much it means to me.

I will always look up to you.

Love you

Your Tweeling
