Devotion and motivation

“I require a healthy dose of devotion that can make Marie Antoinette blush.”

There was this wise old man I once had the honour of speaking to for an story I had to do for the newspaper I use to work at. The interview came at a time in my life when I was looking for answers that I needed the most, but the questions were to hard to ask.

At the end of the interview, he left me with the following thought: “We as humans come into this world crying, yet we don’t have broken hearts. We leave this world, not crying, but we have broken hearts.”

I have plenty of blogs around the web, some of them long abandoned by now, where I would pour out my soul to the world.

These blogs are still there, but I don’t want to head back to them. They are like memories you know exist, but you don’t want to revisit.

Yet, this new blog also comes at a time in my life where I can now ask the questions that were once impossible to say out loud, but the answers aren’t coming at all.

Superman had a Fortress of Solitude. A place where he could head to even at the worst of times and feel safe.

I want this blog to be my Fortress of Solitude.

Maybe I am punting myself to be more motivated to sit down and write again. Motivation…

Devotion… To actually sit down and write something every week.

It all started with two words: motivation and devotion.

‘Cause at the end of the day, I don’t want to be the person who came into the world crying and leave with a broken heart.

We just sometimes need that safe place to pour out everything.

Welcome to the Prince’s Palace. My own Fortress of Solitude 🙂